A young jude flees from Worldwar II and starts exploiting television
in America. Instead of fighting each other he gets help
by a muslim and christian friend. The fight with his competitor
with a nazi background is literally killing. A story that
plays in Amsterdam, Geneva and Boston.
The native edited English translation of the Dutch book,
now with its 10.000+ downloads, is available as:
Paperback Barnes
& Noble >>:
eBook Barnes
& Noble >>:
eBook Apple: iTunes >>
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Benn started writing TV scetches for Dutch comedians when he was 25.
At that time his first book, about popular mathematics,
was published by Reed/Elsevier. In addition, Benn wrote
for Business Magazines and four newspapers published his
cartoons. After a thirty year period, during which he managed
his own Marketing & Communication
agency -see www.florad.nl- he picked up writing again with
his first novel ‘Drie Hoofden op een Kussen’ -published
by Lemmens- which won the University version of the
Roosevelt Four Freedom Award. Benn got the award handed
to him by Roosevelt’s great-grandchildren. Later four
more novels were published and short stories and a police
serie were adapted into film in Italy, France and The Netherlands.
A Benn Flore screenplay was finalist in the World Series
of Screenwriting Los Angeles and short 'The Last Dance',
directed by Daniela Giammarino was semi-finalist in Los
Angeles Filmfest, in Hollywoods Screenings Film Festival
and ended as finalist in the Best Foreign Competition in
Tula Russia.